News from the Foundation

A Charter that reaffirms our commitment

Discover our Governance Charter, a central document that reaffirms our commitment to our various stakeholders.

In a world that is constantly changing, where stakeholders’ expectations are rising faster than ever and where technology redefines the way in which we operate, governance lies at the heart of our commitment to excellence, transparency, security and adaptability. The Governance Charter that we present embodies our commitment to ensuring that our organisation is managed effectively, while maintaining the trust and security of our insured members, affiliates and partners.

Digital transformation opens up new exciting opportunities, while imposing fundamental data security challenges. The quest for optimal financial performance must be compatible with the guaranteed financial security of our insured members. Our mission relies on our ability to build quality relationships, to provide good quality advice, to promote sustainable investments and to manage risk and return.

A mainstay

This Governance Charter reaffirms our commitment to balancing innovation and security, financial performance and data protection, while maintaining strong and transparent relationships with our insured members, affiliates and partners. It is the mainstay of our future, our responsibility towards our insured members and our commitment to excellence.