In the event of the death of a member (active insured member or retiree), the spouse or civil partner is entitled to benefits as the surviving spouse. His/her children are also entitled to an orphan’s pension. This is also the case if the member becomes disabled.
For surviving spouses
The pension entitlement of a surviving spouse depends on the pension plan of the deceased. The pension is paid on the first day of the month that follows the death of the insured member until the end of the month in which the surviving spouse dies, remarries or enters into a civil partnership.
For orphans
Each child of the deceased is also entitled to a pension, the amount of which is determined by the pension plan of the deceased. The orphan’s pension is paid until 20 years of age. If the child is in full-time education or training or if he/she is at least 70% disabled, this age limit is raised to 25 years maximum. As soon as the employer has notified the Patrimonia Foundation of the death, the Patrimonia Foundation will contact the family of the deceased directly in writing.
In the event of disability
In the event of disability, the member is entitled to a disability pension as well as a pension for each child who is below 20 years of age or 25 years of age if the child is in full-time education or training. The amount of the disability pension and the pension of each child of the disabled person depends on the pension scheme with which the employee was insured when he/she became unfit for work.
In addition to the disability pension, the premiums payable by the insured member are waived. This means that the Foundation continues to top up the savings capital with the contributions that the employer and the employee would have paid if the employee had not been prevented from working.
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